2004 curriculum is more popularly known as CBC (Competency-Based curriculum). Born in response to demands for reform, including 2 of Law No. 1999 on local government, Law No. 25 of 2000 concerning the authority and the authority of the provincial government as an autonomous region, dam MPR Decree No. kebijakan.j IV/MPR/1999 on the direction of national education.
CBC no longer question the process of learning, the learning process is seen is a region of teacher authority, which is important to a certain extent learners achieve expected competencies. Competence is defined as a blend of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes are reflected in the habit of thinking and acting. Someone has to have competence in that field are reflected in the patterns of everyday behavior.
Competence contains several aspects, namely knowledge, understanding, skills, values, attitude, and interest. By developing these aspects of students are expected to understand, mastered, and apply in everyday life material that has been learned. The competence itself is classified into: the competence of graduates (dimilik after graduation), competency standards (owned after studying one subject), basic competence (owned after completing one topic / concept), academic competence (knowledge and skills in solving problems), occupational competence (readiness and ability to adapt to the world of work), cultural competence (adaptation to the environment and culture of the people of Indonesia), and the temporal competence (utilizing the basic skills of the students
Some superiority CBC compared 1994 curriculum are:
1. CBC put forward Mastery of Learning Outcomes and competence Paradigm UNESCO versions: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be.
2. Syllabus uniformly determined, the role of the teacher and the student in the learning process, the syllabus becomes authority teacher.
3. The number of class hours to 40 hours per week 32 hours per week, but the number of subjects cannot be reduced.
4. Skills learning methods spawned process with active and creative learning methods and CTL
5. More assessment system focuses on cognitive aspects, combining balance assessment of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective, with emphasis on classroom-based assessment.
6. CBC has four components, namely, curriculum and learning outcomes (KHB), classroom-based assessment (PBK), learning activities (KBM), and the management of school-based curriculum (PKBS). KHB containing about planning the development of student competencies that need to be achieved as a whole from birth until the age of 18 years. PBK is a balanced assessment in three domains, using tests and non-test instruments, in the form of portfolio, product, performance, and pencil test. KBM is directed at active student activities dala construct meaning or understanding, the teacher does not act as the sole source of learning, but as a motivator that can create an atmosphere that allows students to learn fully and optimally.
B. Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) 2006
Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) is an operational educational curriculum developed by and implemented in each unit of education in Indonesia. SBC legally mandated by Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System and the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards. Preparation of SBC by the start of the school academic year 2007/2008 with reference to the Content Standards (SI) and Competency Standards (SKL) for primary and secondary education, as published by the National Education Minister, respectively No. 22 of 2006 and No. 23 of 2006 , as well as SBC Development Guide issued by the National Education Standards.
In principle, SBC is an integral part of the SI, but the development is left to the schools to fit the needs of the school itself. SBC is composed of unit-level educational goals of education, curriculum structure and unit levels of education, school calendars, and syllabus. Implementation of SBC refers to Permendiknas No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL.
The SBC development principles according Permendiknas number 22 of 2006, as quoted from Mulyasa (2006: 151-153) is as follows:
1. Centered on the needs, and the needs of learners and their environment. Curriculum development based on the principle that learners are central educational process in order to become a man fearing, noble, knowledgeable, as well as citizens of a democratic country that needs to be adapted to the needs, requirements, and environment of the learners.
2. Diverse and integrated. The curriculum was developed by taking into account the diversity of learners, local conditions with no distinction of religion, race, culture, customs, as well as socio-economic status and gender. The curriculum shall include the substance of the charge component of the curriculum, local content, and the development of an integrated self.
3. Responsive to the development of science, technology, and art .curricullum developed on the awareness that science, technology, and art of growing dynamically.
4. Relevant to the needs.
5. The curriculum was developed by taking into account the relevance of education to the needs of life and the world of work.
6. Comprehensive and continuous. The substance of the curriculum is planned and presented on an ongoing basis across all levels of education.
7. Lifelong learning, the curriculum is directed to the process of development, acculturation, and the empowerment of learners that last a lifetime.
8. Balance between the interests of the global, national, and local.Kurikulum developed by taking into account the interests of the global, national, and local communities to build a life.
C. Curriculum 2013
The core of the curriculum in 2013, is no simplification efforts, and thematic-integrative. Curriculum 2013 is prepared to print generation ready in the future. Because the curriculum is structured to anticipate future developments.
2013 curriculum aims to encourage learners or students, better able to make observations, ask questions, reasoning, and communicating (present), what they earn, or they know after receiving learning materials. The object becomes the structuring of learning and curriculum improvement in 2013 emphasize on natural phenomena, social, art, and culture.
Through this approach we have the competencies expected of students attitudes, skills, and knowledge is much better. They will be more creative, innovative, and more productive, so that later they can be successful in dealing with various problems and challenges in his day, entering a better future.
Curriculum implementation in 2013 is part of the continuing development of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) has been initiated in 2004 with competencies include attitudes, knowledge, and skills in an integrated manner, as mandated by Law 20 of 2003 on National Education System in the explanation of Article 35, in which competence of graduates are qualified graduate capabilities that include attitudes, knowledge, and skills in accordance with the agreed national standards. This exposure is part of the public test curriculum in 2013, which is expected to capture the opinions and input from the community.
D. Difference Between Curriculum 2013 And The SBC 2006
Talking about the difference between Curriculum 2013 and the SBC , the most notable difference is in the SBC , activities regarding the development of the syllabus is the authority of the education unit , while the latest namely Curriculum 2013 curriculum syllabus development activities is the authority of the government , but there are exceptions for certain subjects that are specifically applied in specific educational unit .
For more details, below is the difference between 2013 and the SBC Curriculum (CBC)
1. Scouts be ekstrakuler which is mandatory for all students.
2. The selection of majors starting from class X ( SMA / MA ).
3. The number of class hours per week more and the number of subjects less than SBC.
4. For Guidance and Counseling ( BK ) prioritize the development potential of the students.
5. ICT ( Information and Communication Technology ) is no longer a subject, but rather as a learning medium.
6. Assessment of students using the assessment of attitudes, skills, and knowledge in an integrated manner
SBC 2006
1. Scouting is an extra that is not mandatory.
2. The selection of majors starting XI.
3. The number of hours of lessons a little more and the number of subjects more than the Curriculum 2013.
4. Guidance and Counseling ( BK ) more on the students.
5. ICT ( Information and Communication Technology ) is a subject in school.
Aspect of knowledge is the most important part in the assessment process.
http://putriiymawar.blogspot.co.id/2014/07/history-of-curriculum-development-in_7006.html Accessed On 03/20/2016
Ahmadi, Manajemen Kurikulum: Pendidikan Kecakapan Hidup, Pustaka Ifada. Yogyakarta: 2013
Idi, Abdullah. Pengembangan Kurikulum; Teori dan Praktik. Arruz. Yogyakarta: 2011
Sukmadinata, Nana Syaodih. Pengembangan Kurikulum. PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Bandung: 2012
http://blog21foryou.blogspot.co.id/2014/04/kurikulum-2013-vs-ktspkurikulum.html Accessed On 03/20/2016
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